viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Tourism in France

France is the top tourist destination
 in the world havinf attracted 79 foreing 
tourists last year.
It has been inscribed 37 times inscribed in the UNESCO Worls Heritage, being one of themost interesting countries with a rich historical heritage. In this country you can find gorgeous cities such as Toulouse, Strasbourg, famous for its musical past, Lyon ... many other cities are also oped to you but never forget Paris. 
Tourism brings round the 6% of the country's income, so come and find out some interesting facts about the different cities of France


Paris is the capital of France. It is the most visited city in the world and it's where you can find some of the top museums of the world... the Louvre, which is the most visited art museum in the world, but also the Musée d'Orsay, mostly devoted to impressionism, and Beaubourg, dedicated to Contemporary art.
There you'd also find some of the world top monuments such as the  Arc of the Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, the cathedral of Notre- Dame, the Sacré-Coeur....
It is also of the cultural and science centres in the world leading many investigations.

French Riviera

Also known as the Côte d'azur it has about 10 million visitors a year. According to the Côte d'azur devolopment agency there are about 300 days of sunshine a tear and  about 115 km of coastlinae. It is the city were one very important film festivals take place includinf the Canne festival which is now going on.

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